Spotting the signs of criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults

The Home Office's County Lines campaign aims to help landlords and letting agents – and other frontline staff— to spot potential victims, and report concerns to either the police, anonymously to Crimestoppers, or safeguard in line with their organisation’s safeguarding policy.

County lines gang.jpg

County Lines is the term used to describe urban gangs supplying drugs to suburban areas, as well as market and coastal towns, by using dedicated mobile phone lines or “deal lines”.

Gangs use children and vulnerable people to move drugs and money to these areas. Once caught up in County Lines, exploited individuals are at risk of extreme physical and/or sexual violence, gang recriminations and trafficking.

County Line drug gangs rent property where they operate. Guidance for letting agents and landlords can help you spot the signs of potential victims and report concerns.

Spot the signs:

  • Do visitors come at unusual times of the day or night?
  • Are there suspicious smells around the property?
  • Is a tenant getting more visitors?
  • Has a tenant stopped leaving their house?
  • Are curtains or blinds almost always shut?
  • Has anti-social behaviour increased?

A tenant might also:

  • Offer to pay rent for a long period (e.g. 6 months) upfront in cash
  • Appear affluent but want to rent an inexpensive property
  • Be unable to provide landlord or employment references
  • Prefer to pay rent in cash without good justification
  • Prevent you from inspecting your property when given reasonable notice

If you have concerns that a vulnerable tenant is being exploited, you should report it to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, or to the police.

You can find more information and resources on the Home Office website including guidelines, posters, and social media images to use and share with local businesses.